The Stargate Wiki says disintegration’s only been used 4 times. When they introduced it, in 1969, this episode, and one other time. Don’t know that other time. They also make fun of it in Wormhole X-Treme! when the writer suggests it, and everybody laughs it off as silly.
Mother knows her son. Good thing too.
Oooh way to burn your dad there.
Speaking of far-fetched use of a Zat gun…
Inconsistency. Other brainwashed victims kept their memories.
Yeah they wrote themselves into a corner and needed a quick way out. I can only imagine someone insisted on a happy ending. I would have argued to have him just get better over the course of several episodes and then leave, but the show was far less serialized in the first few years so that may not have been possible.
Awe, that’s a nice picture on the dvd menu for this episode.
Am I the only one who view these Jaffa episodes/arcs and feel they are reminiscent of TNG Klingon/Worf arcs?
I’ll tell you in a few months, when I get to those. I’m nearly done with Season 1 of TNG (and preparing mental notes for my post about it in that thread), but haven’t seen any Worf-specific episodes yet.
First time watching? I believe they start in season 2 and occur here and there for the rest of the series.
I watched the first season or 2 of TNG when it aired, but stopped watching and never picked it up since. So where I am right now, I’m rewatching episodes that I vaguely remember scenes but not plots. Eventually, I’ll get to episodes that I don’t even remember at all