Stargate SG-1 1x15 Singularity

I wear a fedora now, fedoras are cool.

Staves are cool too. You got one of those? (:

Edit: Grats on post 800.

I agree, I plan on getting me an Indie hat… :slight_smile:

Not everyone can pull one off…

There you go! A staff and a fedora and you can be Harry Dresden!! :smiley:

Add 90 years and you can be Master Bratac.

Oh… That kind of staff… I have been reading too much Urban fantasy, my mind went straight to ‘magic’ when I read staff.

I’m at 800? Better slow down a bit :slight_smile:
Also we need to photoshop a fez on T’ealc.

Not to the gutter? This is the GWC forums, right?