Stargate SG-1 1x09 Brief Candle

Saturday, 6 August 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

“A hundred day celebration? Guess we should pace ourselves.”

Watch online at Netflix or Hulu.

Bad news! Stargate on Hulu is no longer available!

“This video has expired…”

They had the entire series on there, and now it’s suddenly gone? WTF?

I think it’s expiration was set for the end of July, but I have no way of knowing.

Since I have never watched any Stargate, maybe I will jump in and watch it with others. I won’t be home every weekend, but at least the ones I am home for…somebody remind me please.

Keep track on Twitter (but they only remind you 5 minutes before start), or make a habit of checking the calendar link (at the top) daily or every other day.

They? I’m a “they”? :rolleyes:

There will be events on the calendar and announcements on the forum. The Twitter announcements are just a last-minute reminder, assuming I remember (or am available) to send them out.

I thought the frak reminders on Twitter was automated. No offense intended.

No, surprisingly little of the process is automated. Well, none, actually. :rolleyes:

All Hail BadgerSpoon, Lord of the Frak!!

They cheated on the effects. d:

I’m guessing that delivering a baby isn’t part of the survival training the air force gives…

Wow, SG-1 got through the gate quick there. And no deactivation sound.

“May your first child be a masculine child…”

Poor Jack… (Not really)

“Where’s that?”


Wait, doesn’t she play a Gould in another episode???

I think Daniel already knows something’s up.

Yeah see???

A good Goa’uld, Teal’c? As in a Tok’ra?