I’m not a big fan of the mascot, either.
“You two make a good couple”
Not on this show, they don’t.
I’m thinking more Grosse Point Blank.
I really wish they had made Dopud’s character on SGU Ventrell rather than having him be a new character.
Looks like Vala recognizes him.
Nice try, Vala.
Going to be tough to explain all of this.
Floor show?
“And you might have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for us meddling kids.”
Vala’s a bit of a spoilsport.
Looks a lot like a museum.
So all the sudden, we have a prime directive?
OK, that DHD is a replica.
So much for luck.
oh sweetie, enough with the wailing and the swishing of skirts.
So much for a peaceful resolution.
Hey, it’s the local version of Daniel…
Looks like they found this planet’s Daniel.
Hive mind!
OK, this rent-a-cop is going to be trouble.
Daniel looks like he’s about to have a nervous breakdown.