Stargate SG-1 1003 & 1004 - The Pegasus Project & Insiders

Seems like I’ve heard Ben Browder suggest that plan before. :wink:

Well, that timing kind of sucked, but what she said didn’t sound good.

gigglesnort* :smiley:

And they just kawooshed the Ori ship in half. EPIC!

Two F-16s against an Al’kesh? Unless they have some special tech from the SGC that was way easier than it should have been.

Nice crashed Al’kesh.

“They want me dead”
“That makes all of us.”

Bit bitter there, Teal’c. Justifiably.

The NID wants Ba’al? That’s the biggest reason they shouldn’t give him to them.

Good point about the SG-1 chain of command.

Yeah, I’ve always wondered why there were two LTCs and yet Cam still “leads”.

That… actually wasn’t a bad plan.

Especially since Sam commanded SG-1 in Season 8. That is still a topic of rather lively discussion on the Gateworld forums.

And yet I always wonder why they haven’t ever learned to guard the ring rooms.

Love the little nametags on the different Ba’als.

Fantastic reference there from Cam.

So the clones have symbiotes too. Wasn’t sure about that.

“I guess some Ba’als are bigger than others.” :eek:

So many great Ba’al puns this episode.

Interesting interrogation technique, Vala.

Especially since the NID has had trouble with infiltration from the Trust and its precursors in the past.

Ummm…what’s up with NID guy???

A Ba’al has used brainwashing in the past.