Stargate Atlantis 505 & 506 Ghost in the Machine & The Shrine

Yah, that is creepy.

Rodney acting like a real mensch

Wow, Liz is very perceptive.

See, that is Elizabeth

Sheppard is so torn.

Oh crap, they’re on the way,

More of them? Liz was straining Atlantis as it was.

Do it Radek

Oops, they want bodies.

This is a rather extreme hostage situation.

Sinking the city?

Nice to see you again Elizabeth, but you sure brought a peck of trouble in your wake.

Is Woolsey a poker player?

Where did they get that tech, to replicate human bodies.

No breaks, food or sleep.

They even forcefielded the floor? Nice touch.

Oh, I guess they always had it.

Don’t give my program manager any ideas.

Fortunately, I will supposedly be moving to a different release end of this week.

“The perfect working environment”

Ouch. Ronon’s down