Oops, it still chokes me up.
This is “see you later”
So guys, we talked about a Firefly + Serenity re-watch -
And after your comments, I’d like to start this coming
Thursday Sep 11, one hour earlier at 9pm.
Since the pilot, Serenity, Part 1 & 2 usually plays as one long episode,
let’s break at :45 and resume at :00 for Part 2.
Ok, I’ll post the thread.
Sounds good to me.
Great. Hope Airmaille sees this.
Maybe post it on the Facebook group too to see if we can draw more people back to the forums.
Good idea.
I really like this episode.
Nobody likes the Genii.
There goes Sheppard.
Was trying to remember why it was only John that ended up here.
The light is fire-season red.
Oh crap, where’s the sea?
Oh boy. That’s… different.
I always forget that Kate Hewlett was in this episode.
I love seeing Atlantis sitting in the middle of a water world.
So that last scene was pretty shocking.
Sheppard is mind-numbed
48,000 years !!!
Love how even Holo-Rodney starts rambling about the tech.
…the last human being alive.