Stargate Atlantis 411 & 412 Quarantine & Harmony

Wow, Ronon communicating again.
He’s very cool.

Radek: I’m small

Go Zelenka !!
You can do it.

Ronon moves in for the sweet moment. Nice.

It’s kind of funny watching with the captioning on. There’s just a lot of “[Muttering in Czech]” throughout that sequence.

Ouch !!
Come on save the day Radek.

A pregnant moment at the table.

Well that experience was the kiss of death on Rodney’s & Katie’s relationship.

“Flaws” !! McKay we’re a diaster.

Yah, I love that.

Katie: Rodney, bye.

Sad for McKay.


How we do this? Start the next episode at the start of the hour?

Yes, we take a bit of a break and start at the hour.

Great, see you in a few.

Ok, gotta say Harmony is one of my least favorite episodes.

So, we’ll suffer through it together :smiley:

“Sometimes he makes me cry too.” :smiley:

Internet trouble.
But I’m ok now I think

Hey it’s Volker from SG-Universe

Thumb screws are good.

She’s playing you Sheppard.