Stargate Atlantis 411 & 412 Be All My Sins Remember'd & Spoils of War

Nice tender scene with Teyla and Ronon there.

And of course Rodney just blew through the ethical issues.

Bullets and bombs aren’t self-aware, Rodney.

Good thing Rodney couldn’t control the form or it would be even more weird. We’d probably have another Repli-Carter.

Only the second biggest boom Rodney will have created.

Any chance of grabbing a few ZPMs while you’re down there?

Surprised they put McKay on the Apollo instead of the Daedalus given the friction between him and Ellis.

And here goes the special effects budget for the rest of the season.

aaaaaand, there’s the beginning of a Godzilla.

Looks like they’re starting to get control.

And we just committed genocide.

Hmm, why did that Wraith ship hold on so long.

And now that I think about it, why didn’t we grab any of the Replicator Auroras (for the Travellers if nothing else)?

And John’s trying to get Larrin’s phone number. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dunh, dunh, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!

And here’s a chance to reuse some of those expensive effects shots from last episode. :slight_smile:

So yeah, there was a reason the Wraith ship waited longer.

Oh yeah, that’s definitely a reason.

Well, now we know.

So they need the leader of their secondary team to replace Teyla?

Too bad they couldn’t get Cadman for this episode (or any other episodes for that matter). Lorne is pretty much cardboard.

Huh, didn’t realize he wasn’t named Todd on screen until this episode.

Convenient that the planet has a space gate given our track record with captured alien ships.

Nice callback to Miller’s Crossing with Rodney’s “excellent sense of direction”.

Oh boy, Wraith cloning facility.