Stargate Atlantis 305 & 306 Progeny & The Real World

It’s a thin line sometimes.

That guy looks really familiar.

Well, that was creepy.

For all that is off in this situation, Jack is right on in terms of personality.

Oh, he was Captain Harriman in Star Trek Generations.

And was in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and in Spin City.

Now that was creepy.

That’s John outside the door.

Huh, I think I walked past those condos on vacation in Vancouver last year…

They always use Torri’s dog as Elizabeth’s dog when she’s on Earth.

Good to know, makes it less ominous.

Well, that would make sense, all things considered. :wink:

It was a guess. Been a while since I’ve seen this episode, but he usually wears black, so it looks right.

Now that “no face” bit was creepy.

Nice playing cards there.

You know, Jack is actually in more of Atlantis than SG-1 this pair of seasons.

Yeah, I guess so. Hadn’t thought about it before now.