Stargate Atlantis 219 & 220 - Inferno & Allies

Apparently so…

Seatbelts sure would be nice about now.

Remember Failsafe when SG-1 jumped an asteroid through Earth?

Yeah, now I remember, thanks.

The approaching Hive stuff seemed a bit tacked on, but they couldn’t really just have it pop in next episode out of nowhere.

Nice checklist from Rodney there.

Ronon doesn’t really have much of a role in the control room.

This has bad idea written all over it. Though Wraith can already feed on other Wraith, so why would they want to wait for them to be turned into humans first?

Ronon’s justification for helping the Wraith was perfect.

Kind of late for second thoughts, Elizabeth.

They can? I don’t remember that.

That’s how the guy from The Defiant One survived from the original siege of Atlantis until Season 1. I’m pretty sure there are other examples, but the other ones I can think of are from the books.

It isn’t actually Connor Trinneer as Michael in this episode. He wasn’t available because his wife had just given birth. They got him for a day or so in post-production to redo the dialogue.

Hermiod is as delightful as ever.

Yes, a very amusing foil to Rodney :slight_smile:

I love night establishing shots of Atlantis.

Not good at all.

And there’s the backstab.

Nice effects on the Daedalus shields.

Now we’re really to the “not good at all”