Stargate Atlantis 107 & 108 - Poisoning The Well & Underground

I love Sora’s dad immediately letting John know she’s engaged.

Yeah, very simple people with walkie talkies. :stuck_out_tongue:

Chief O’Brian!

Guess Teyla’s sat through a few Harvest Ceremonies. :stuck_out_tongue:

“It’s a radioactive reading in Amish World. Your call.” :smiley:

Great matte painting of the Genii city.

“Did I mention that I know almost everything about almost everything?” :smiley:

“We plan to vaporize the Wraith as they sleep.”

Yeah, about that…

Weir’s going to love this.

How’s that for living up to promises? :wink:

“No choice but to trust each other” usually means you don’t.

Hmm, they really changed the Wraith Hive set later in the series.

Yeah, that was silent, idiot.

Well played, John. Knew it was coming when he lied about only having one, but good timing.

Nice top, Liz. Guess it’s off duty time.