Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 5/21

That is so awesome and sad.

Chewie hug! :cool:

Congrats on the promotion! :slight_smile:

Cliff Clavin!!

E, “Where is the fuel tank on a Star Destroyer?”

Me, “The two globes on the top.”

E, “Oh. They should just shoot those.”

Still no cash in my paycheck.

I meant the new admiral, but congrats on yours as well. :slight_smile:

E, “Why do they call it the Dagobah system? It’s just a planet.”

Me, “They often name systems after stars. So, the star is called Dagobah and the planet is like Dagobah III or IV. Then again it could be the only planet in the solar system and it happens to be the appropriate distance from the star to support life.”

E, “Oh. Like the Morgan Freeman show said on the Science channel.”

Me, “Yes.”

I love that child.


Awkward. :eek:


I love how Threepio reacts as Han and Leia leave the command center. “Wait for me!!” He must get left behind often. Like Marvin. Poor Marvin.

“Your weapons, you will not need them.”

I wonder how this vision would have turned out if he didn’t have them. Hmm.

Right when the commander says, “Target. Maximum fire power.” The AT-AT shoots at a rebel running. I’ve always wondered, “Did that rebel take a maximum fire power blast?” The sound effect makes me think he did but he should have been vaporized.

Darth Vader IS Luke Skywalker!

It all makes sense now!

Brain the size of a planet.

WWYD? What would Yoda Do? Use the Force and topple the AT-ATs over. That’s my guess.

“Get a shuttle ready.”

I shall run for my life. You’re admiral now! :eek:

Are you in the cave on Dagobah? How did you get so far ahead?

Oops. I fast-forwarded too far when my wi-fi crapped out.

“Never tell me the odds.”

That’s how I roll.