Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

I still like to believe that Owen and Ben were brothers. I can dream, can’t I?

Aunt Beru speaking. Greatest. Dub. EVAH! :rolleyes:



What was she saying?

Uncle Owen in this looks like an older Ewan McGregor to me.

It was a theory before the Prequels that Obi-wan and Owen were brothers and the reason Luke was with them.

They dubbed over the the actress’ voice. She was right cockney.

Those aren’t ooliphants!

I thot the guy who played Lars in the Episode II was the actor who played Owen in IV. I was mistaken. Good casting.


Well, they are covered up elephants.

Alec Guinness, great reveal.

“You’re fortunate to be all in one piece.”

For now…

Me daughters are not fans of the Sand people.

They are singing, “Ugly. Ugly. Ugly.”

It was great casting…they really looked alike. Phil Brown would have been too old to be in II, he passed away 4 years after II came out at age 90.

R, “Is Obi-wan dead and Ben alive?”

No. But it does appear the desert life has not been kind.

Gotta wonder what he was doing just before he put on his hat and robe…

LOL…they are ugly, ugly, ugly!

Talking to Qui-gon. :smiley:

Remember Obi-wan don’t tell Luke about midi-chlorians.

So funny Luke almost decapitated himself with that saber.

That’s some planning by Lucas to have Guiness act that way when Luke asked about his father.