Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

I may lose geek cred, but RotS is my favorite of the prequels.

Yeah I also thot that is how it should be, but if it is the right choice is another question. And we saw that in The Clone Wars series how detached Master Luminara is from her Padawan.

I agree. Hence the fatal flaw of Anakin is that he can’t let go of relationships, power, etc.

Well, Luke threw all that out the window if you follow the EU. He even got married.

Like the Borg. :eek:

Time check?

girls giggle

E, “I love cookies!!”

Oh my! :eek: facepalm

That’s fine. I think most people like RotS the best of the prequels.
Do you like it better than IV, V and VI though?

Talos, have your kids seen Troops yet? Might be amusing after episode IV.

I think it’s the best of the three by far.

Good! Good! :smiley:

Originals? No. Special Editions? Better than VI at least.

So did Darth Plagueis create Anakin?


Darth Badger

Good lawd, I heard Palpatine in my head as I read that.

Badger, are you dry washing your hands??

R pointing at Palpy, “Liar. Liar. Underpants on fire!!”

Good idea. Will do that, indeed.

I’ve never understood their communication technology. They can make space ships that can cross a galaxy, sentient robots, and weapons that destroy a planet, but they can’t transmit a picture that doesn’t flicker?

And that also lead to massive problems, so whichever way you choose you end up in big problems

Absolutely not, I believe from the Prequels most prefer ROTS the most.

That was a Tarzan growl by a Wookiee.:eek:

and the best conversation between Anakin and Obi-Wan.

“Good bye old friend, and MTFBWY.”:frowning:

Only when I’m not clutching the armrests of my over-sized throne. :smiley:

No. The Force did that much too all the fanboi despair.

Unlike our universe Hollywood isn’t a kingdom. No need for HD communications.