Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 5/24

“Goodbye old friend. May the Force be with you.”

That’s the last time you’ll see your friend Anakin, Obi-wan.

I can’t read Anakin’s face. Is he playing Obi-wan? Did he mean what he said?

giggle :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re bringing it back!

And that’s why you’ll never be a master of evil.

Aw, they start so young. :rolleyes:

Have an evil apprentice [b][i]OR[\I][\B] sleep.

Your choice. :slight_smile:

R, “This is cool when Obi-wan rides the dragon. The music is cool, also.”

Badger!! WooT!!

WHat the frak was that move, Obi-wan? That dude has 4 lightsabers!!!

There. Are. FOUR. Lightsabers!

Sorry. I kind of, well, forgot. :slight_smile:

Also, babysitting, so I’m just stealing a few free moments until he goes to bed.

“You must realize. You are doomed!”

Love Grievous’ wheels…um…wheel.

Anakin, “I should be there with him.”

E, does Jedi mind trick hand movements “No, you shouldn’t.”


How does Palpy know all this? Can he read minds? Or does he have spies?

“Know the power of the Dark side. It can save Padme.”

Um, Anakin. Just arrest him now. He just admitted that he is the Sith Lord.

Concerning Grievous death.

E, “That was graphic. No wonder this is PG-13.”

“I think Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord.”

You think? Does the midi-chlorians make your brain stoopid?

E, “Which of the buildings is the Jedi Temple?”

Me, “That one right there.”

E, “Oh sorry. I didn’t see the giant blinking lights that say, ‘Jedi Temple’.”

Oh. Sarcasm. It’s inherited.

“To cheat death is only a power one has achieved.”

Oh. That’s not what you said moments ago.

“Rise, Lord Vader.”

And here is where none of this makes sense.

Like turning on a switch, boom the film changes.

My daughter E was coughing and saying liar while Palpy was talking. I didn’t catch it at first and then I started cracking up.

The shock on Ki-Adi-Mundi’s face was the same reaction I had.

“Oh, Anakin. What are you going to do?”

Drink the Kool-Aid, of course.

OK, he’s in bed now, and… this is the only movie of the series I don’t have. :frowning:

Which is odd, since this is the only prequel I actually like.

Probably a bit of both.

And concentrated. :smiley:

Yeah, skipping a lot of character development from rebellious teenager to child-slaughtering psychopath. :frowning:

“Consumed by Darth Vader.”

So, the Dark side of the Force controls your actions?