Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

“Floating bumper cars!!” --daughters

Fashion report?

What’s up with the shoulders for Amidala there.

The makeup nicely emphasizes the attitude she takes to the whole thing

Can you imagine our Senate with these flying saucers? How soon until they’re fitted with guns?

If Anakin is too old, even with his freakishly high midi-chlorian levels, how high are Luke’s? :eek:

who doesn’t love the expressiveness of Yoda’s ears

“I sense much fear in you.”

Good thing he learned to let it out and share it with the galaxy. :slight_smile:

I bet we could each buy a home for what was spent on Padme’s outfits.

“If elected, I swear to eliminate corruption.”

Corruption is no match for Capital-E Evil. :smiley:

“Impossible to take on a second.”

The Jedi have a Rule of Two also? :rolleyes:

“What are midi-chlorians?”

No one cares, kid. No one cares.

R2D2’s quite shiny these days.

yeah, Anakin, we’re doubtful, too.

(though… symbiotes? so Jedis are like… Trill?)

Infected. :eyebrow:

I think if any message can really be taken away from the prequels, it’s that good people following their conscience invariably give birth to the greatest evil. :frowning:

or: free will is an illusion??

Obviously. Bacterial infections surround us and penetrate us. :eek:

“Meesa like-a dis!”

Where’s the Death Star when we need it? Le sigh. :frowning:

No destroying Naboo, sir! I want to move to the Lake District :stuck_out_tongue:

“The Captain Panaka will create a diversion.”

Look!! It’s a black guy!!

Only if he dies first. :slight_smile:

It reminds me of South Park’s “Operation: Hide Behind the Darkies.” :stuck_out_tongue: