STAR TREK (XI) 2009 -ReWatch

McCoy becomes the chief medical officer.

“What kind of combat training?”



Space Jump - very cool scene!!

How do they keep from slamming into the drill?


Engineer Olson (Red Shirt) had way too much caffeine and is now toast.

So now we see that there is “fencing” and then there’s “fencing”

Nicely done Sulu

No charges.
Do it the old-school way.

“Launch the Red Matter”

“They are creating a black hole in the middle of Vulcan”

Great scene, great scene.
Kirk and Sulu falling.

I love this Chekov !

That was intense.

Spock races to save the High Council.

Spock’s mother is lost.

The planet Vulcan is destroyed.
6 billion Vulcans lost.
No more than 10,000 survived.

Touching scene between Uhura and Spock.
They’re perfect.


The psycho Nero questions Capt Pike.
Now he pulls out the Centaurian slug.

“Damn it man, I’m a doctor, not a physicist”

Geez, guess who said that.

Capt Nero has altered the timeline.