Star Trek: Voyager 3x11 The Q and the Grey

Before portraying the female Q here, Suzie Plakson also played the Klingon/Human hybrid K’Ehleyr and the Vulcan Dr. Selar on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Accordingly, in this episode, the female Q comments about both species.

K’Ehleyr! That’s where I recognized her voice from.

Whoa. That’s deep. :eyebrow:

B’Elanna’s attitude to the Q is great

the best qualities aren’t a question of genetics… values passed from one generation to the next…

the concept’s ok, execution’s the problem for Q!

or in other terms - Janeway’s just taken apart the problem with the deus ex machina…

And Q’s heart grew three sizes that day.

hahaha true

So… how exactly does a human sneak up on a Q?

With the help of another Q!

“That was it?”
“You had your chance. Don’t go crying about it now.” :smiley:

Another fun episode!

I’ve missed our Trek Tuesdays! But now it’s out to dinner with the family - thanks for joining me Badger!

Of course, in any other series, Q would have sent them home for their help. Ah, well.

Thank you! Good night. ツ