For as big of a deal as this storyline is, it really deserved a better episode to flesh it out. I mean, seriously, warp drive damages the universe? That’s huge!
And it seems to just not resurface.
From Memory Alpha:
This was the first Star Trek episode where the maximum warp speed limitation was imposed by the Federation on all Starfleet vessels. Further references were made to the speed limit in “The Pegasus” and “Eye of the Beholder” later in the season. According to the unpublished VOY Season 1 edition of the Star Trek: Voyager Technical Guide, by Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda, it was suggested that because of the variable geometry pylons, warp fields may no longer have a negative impact on habitable worlds as established in this episode.
That wouldn’t work. Outside of a warp bubble, the ship can’t go faster than lightspeed. They may as well use impulse.
Oh, and nice pink PADD there, Geordie. My Little Pony or Hello Kitty?
and technobabble!
lol the Enterprise getting bounced around reminds me a bit of my first attempts at bodysurfing. I got a lot of sand in my bathing suit, lol.
but the universe! save the universe!
Despite the weaknesses in this episode, I do like seeing them in research-action mode.
Damn hippies! Subspace rifts are a myth!