Star Trek: The Next Generation 6x23 Rightful Heir

So even if you were a Klingon you’d be an atheist? Yeah, me too.

“I threw a piece of my hair into a replicator, and out came a sword.”
Just science, baby. Just science.

Humans are gonna be pissed if Kahless returns in the 24th century and Jesus is still not shown his face yet.

Oh, totally. Just another bunch of old men, manipulating the young and gullible. :mad:

Kahless isn’t a god. I could believe in him as a historical figure, but returning from the dead after centuries? Yeah, not so much.

What if they nailed him to a piece of wood? Yeah, I know, it’s a stretch.

I like to think that they’re the same guy.

Jesus was just his non-lumpy forehead phase. :stuck_out_tongue:

The greatest Klingon ever? I thought he’d be taller. :rolleyes:

Ha!. And again, I was thinking exactly the same.

Riker’s really being a dick in this episode.

Weird stuff happens in space. Weird stuff happens in the future.
Yeah, sure. Why couldn’t he be the real Kahless.

… words like “faith” and “belief” always bothered me. Weak words. An excuse for not thinking.

Gowran has some awesome bling.

Which is why they keep Jesus’ DNA on file. :stuck_out_tongue:

but if he lived thousands (?) of years ago, it makes sense that he’s shorter, doesn’t it?

When Jesus returns, I’m totally asking him for a tissue sample. And two forms of ID.



yeah, he hasn’t gotten laid in awhile :eek:

“Klingon WarNog” That’s kinda of a lame name for it, eh?

Why? Prehistoric Klingons were huge beastly things.

Hivemind is strong tonite :slight_smile:

True. They weren’t evolved from silly little monkeys like SOME species I know.