Star Trek: The Next Generation 5x11 Hero Worship

Nice. I’m not sure I can top that.

Ah, haven’t seen that one yet (bad Trekkie)

Sounded like something from Homestar Runner though :slight_smile:

Nice Batman reference!

Have not seen Salt. Good?

Star Trek V gets a lot of crap, but it’s fun to watch anyway.
Some great moments. A movie can be badly made and still not be boring.

Space Batman? So something like this?

I wasn’t all that impressed but I know there’s a few alpacas who really liked it. Want to see awesome, rent Red.

Yes! LOL.

And I see Batman is prepared. He knows that you need to wear swim fins in order to swim fast in space.

Why does Batman have swim fins on? :confused:

I’m hot for Angellina of course, but yeah, I’m gonna see Red first for sure.

LOL, it’s fan art. I assume they cut out any image of SCUBA Batman and pasted it onto a spacey background

It’s all worth it, just for this:


Just watched it earlier tonight. Lots of twists and turns. Actiony and entertaining. I recommend.

Also, it looks like he’s about ready to punch that space rock. It’s up to no good, clearly.

Red was outstanding. I can’t say enough good things about it.

It helps to make the whoooosh sound. :rolleyes:

LOL, Don’t get sassy with the almighty, Kirk!

well, some would argue that FF is bad Trek. still beats the craaaaaaap out of TMP as Sheldon will attest :smiley:


So i think i’m gonna have to sit out the next frak :: sad face ::

So, G’night frakkers.

Yes, remember that!? We actually took a presidential inauguration to the gutter. It was great. :slight_smile:

it’s a Deannasode. ain’t missing much :eek:

Shut up and go to bed Wesley. :smiley: Nite sir!

That is a very cool moment.
What scares me is that if Shatner got his way completely it would have been a REALLY REALLY bad embarrassing movie.