Sorry I’m late. What are you up to?
11 minutes into The Jihad.
“I can handle the machine.”
Kirk just destroyed a flying dragon?
Does no one consider what the existence of a building implies about the assumption of this planet having no life?
I was too busy with work and as soon as I got home I put on the Extras for the Star Trek DVD.
Dragon? I think you’re ahead of me.
This time it’s Spock’s turn to “SABOTAGE!”
What’s with that chick’s outfit?
I understand. I was watching the one I got from Netflix earlier this evening.
And the dragons are back. They seem to pop up a lot.
“In the name of the seven gods?”
Too many gods not enuff time to name them all.
When Spock and Kirk fight in null gravity, let me know.
It’s perfectly cromulent for a hunter.
Just started.
“Back to your stations. We have a lot of other places to go.”
Ugh! That makes it seem forgettable.
The Vidala looks like it was designed by someone holding a cat upright to walk on its hind legs. Just looks too awkward to have evolved that way…
The Pirates of Orion, starting now.
Never understood why speaking animals were upright.
Vulcan down. We have a Vulcan down.
I hear you can get that on the New York subway. :rolleyes:
So how are you feeling?
“Is there any cure?”
Well, there’s our plot.
Cannabis, again? Wow. A little obvious what was going on that set!