Star Trek: The Animated Series, Disc 1

Look it’s Carter Winston!!

Who the frak is that?

McCoy mentions his daughter.

McCoy’s daughter is non-canon, right?

His fiancee is onboard. What a coincidence!!

Not exactly. The Animated Series is pseudo-canon. As has been mentioned, Star Trek canon is not that strict.

Also…This is the first and only episode in which Dr. McCoy’s daughter, Joanna, is mentioned. She was in the writer’s guide in TOS, but was never referred to or featured, except D. C. Fontana’s original draft of TOS: “The Way to Eden”, originally titled “Joanna,” which had McCoy’s daughter as one of the “space hippies.” The script was so extensively rewritten, as a result of which Joanna’s character eventually became Irina Galliulin, that Fontana angrily replaced her own name on the credits with “Michael Richards,” the names of two of her brothers.

Last week? Yeah, Romulans travelling at warp speeds couldn’t possibly have showed up in the last seven days. :rolleyes:

McCoy doesn’t know how many examination tables he has in his own sickbay?

“I just realized that.”

Come on. Spock shoulda figured that out before Kirk.

Wouldn’t McCoy notice that his lab had a new table?

Look how fast the Romulan Battle Cruisers are moving!

“I couldn’t harm the man I loved.”

Ugh, women in the military.


The Romulans and the Klingons have the same chairs. :slight_smile:

Kiss me, vile squid!

I can’t get past the ascot.

I wonder if there’s a litter-box somewhere on the bridge?

I just read that and fell off my chair.

I always thot M’Ress was sexy.

“Can you love this?”

Suddenly, Japanese tentacle pr0n comes to mind. :stuck_out_tongue:

The music is getting really funky during the battle.

