Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 4/3 @ 10 PM ET

Don’t question her! Whale biologist! :smiley:

Koenig plays this so well.

“May I go now?”


At least he was speaking English…

Of course, I never listened to any commentary on this, so I’m not certain about the whole Eddie Murphy story.

Made me laugh.

Not much good music in this. But I like Chekov’s Run.

what’s the top? lol.

May I go now?!

Yeah, I don’t really think a 23rd century phasers would be affected by a radiaton.
And if it was, it would be radiation that would be killing everyone on the aircraft carrier.

the ray gun!!!

I will have to stun you!

And he just runs away. Oh, Chekov.

Off to Memory Alpha whoosh!!

I like the openning theme music, but the rest…meh.

He is a man of deep feelings.

Ouch! The R word…

The chase is on! Run Chekov Run !!

Gillian has some spunk !

From the wonderful Memory Alpha:

The character of Dr. Taylor was originally a male character who was a wacky college professor who was a “UFO nut,” and, for added humor to the lighthearted script, actor Eddie Murphy was offered the role. He declined and decided on The Golden Child instead (a decision he admits later was a big mistake), and Catherine Hicks won the role. According to William Shatner’s Star Trek Movie Memories, Eddie Murphy actually approached Nimoy and Bennett wanting to be in the film, as he was a huge Trek fan, but it was his agents and Paramount themselves who decided mixing the studio’s two biggest (at the time) franchises (Star Trek and Beverly Hills Cop) in one film wasn’t the best idea. Nicholas Meyer later stated that when he came in to write the 20th century section of the film, he realized the earlier drafts were written with Murphy in mind.

wait what? Did he just land on his back there? Oh dear.

you’re kidding, right? completely different, but eminently listenable

Yeah that too. Love the montage closing credits. Whoops Spoiler!

So now she believes Kirk.

Hehe Sulu’s driving the helicopter like it’s a rental car :slight_smile: