Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 5x3 Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places

Catch you at the top of the hour. No papers to grade tonight I hope… :slight_smile:

Exercise makes me sweat! – Quark

That’s a nice interlude between Worf and Jadzia - especially the bit about Worf’s admiration for Grilka being like putting a woman on a pedestal like a statue.

Putting women on pedestals is dangerous, it gives them a long way to fall… (metaphoricaly speaking…) :oops:

“at least Quark can see an opportunity when it is standing in front of him”

Worf stop being stupid!

Oops indeed, you sound like Quark.

Both Worf and Quark are numbskulls because they don’t see the women they are interested in as PEOPLE.

Worf’s let his hair down!

“How do you wish to proceed” so direct, Worf!

I’m with Worf on disliking the uncertainty!

If you elevate someone too high (Like Worf did) you can only be disappointed, because they can never attain the level of perfection you have elevated them to…

I’d argue that the issue/problem isn’t that the object of affection can never live up to expectations - it’s holding those unreasonable expectations in the first place.