Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4x16 Bar Association

Quark is just very much… not able to express his emotions at good times.

“Doesn’t that hurt?”
“I’m sure it does. Most Nausicaan games do.” :smiley:

Brunt is a real jerk.

Fun commentary:

This episode is a favorite of Armin Shimerman because it deals with a subject that is close to his heart; union problems. Shimerman sits on the Board of Directors of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), and he is very passionate about labor related disputes; “People think of this as a comic episode. And it is, of course. But in truth, it’s really about union-management problems. The irony of it is that I play management in the episode. So, I thought that to make Rom have a reasonably hard job as a union organizer, I would have to be tough about it, to show the struggle to the audience. Although you don’t see it on TV very often, this is something that goes on in America all the time.” Director LeVar Burton is also of the opinion that this is not a completely comic episode; “The execution of the idea was whimsical, but the situation was absolutely serious. It’s serious drama, a power struggle between two brothers. And that’s family ties.”

Rom is so proud of his new job, which is sweet. And Quark really does want to protect him even if it isn’t good for him.

On to Voyager! will start it at 8:15 Pacific.

Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity. :slight_smile: