Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 3x05 Second Skin

It’s also nice that the Cardassians are shown as a) less united than they may appear and b) not totally evil (which sometimes they seem to be a bit of a caricature)

I can see that.

I don’t understand how makeup could do that. How is it different than wearing clothing?

Perhaps since they’re in Cardassian space, espionage is a union job. Odo doesn’t carry a union card.

Dukat is a terrible terrible person. Though his love for his daughter… OK still no white and black.

And the Legate loves her. Awwww.

Sounds better than “space whore”, at least.

And now Kira Nerys a) gets herself involved in Cardassian internal politics and b) explains what’s going on.

And the proverbial redshirt bites the dust.

Entek is obnoxious

Not sure. It is a ton of makeup. There’s obviously a mask involved. But it’s not like Planet of the Apes type prosthetic.

Garak to the rescue!

Not for long.

“treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder”

He was the father from the Twilight movies, apparently.

See. Dukat’s love for Ziyal had conditions attached. It felt to me that he was professing his love as a constant reminder. I think it was impossible to love. Obsess and possess, sure. Love. Nope.

I like how the Legate and Nerys still developed a kind of relationship around the experience. Fatherly advice, indeed.
“Until I find Iliana, you’re the closest thing I have to family”
“In spite of whatever I might have said, I realize now you’re an honorable man, and I think your daughter must have loved you very much”

Aww. Were I not multitasking and grading at the same time I might be a bit teary. You know, the whole parent child thing.

And Kira’s heart grew three sizes that day.

I love when Star Trek plays on words.

Good episode. I like the ones that deal with identity issues like this one did (and does it in a more graceful way IMO than Equilibrium did with Dax)

That was was kind of a mess. :frowning:

Star Trek’s strength and appeal is its ability to engage your empathy for the “enemy”. It is the ultimate testimony to humanity, learn to live and love differences.

Except for those freaks with the black on their right halves. Hideous. :eek: