Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 2x12 The Alternate

Whoa! He’s melting… melting!

The one is TNG The Pegasus. Fairly exciting, methinks.

Heh. So it’s a bit more Forbidden Planet than The Thing.

Oh, that’s a good one. I’ve seen it a bunch of times. Terry O’Quinn from LOST is in it!

But I’m afraid I might bail and join the Hangout for a bit after this one.

Yeah, me too. Just not feeling the Trek love tonight. :frowning:

Awww… Odo’s got a daddy!

I was, but that one really drained me. I’m like, in a puddle on the floor.

I also feel like I need a shower after looking at “Schwetty Odo.”

catching up a bit…

I had totally forgotten about this episode. I am still not sure that the gas makes Odo a crazy acting out teenager with a father figure storyline makes a lot of sense, but hey, it was kind of fun.