Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 2x10 Sanctuary

It applied to the Kazon and others in Voyager. Replicators are based on transporter tech, not warp tech, and therefore represents another step up the ladder.

I’m honestly reaching here. The other answer is that the Federation can’t give too much aid because it would piss off the Cardassians.

So, do we watch another one right away to wait until 11:00?

Or their utopian society is just a pipe dream outside of the core systems. :eyebrow:

Next at 11. Traditionally, there are snacks. :slight_smile:

I always interpreted it as there being a more logistical/diplomatic reason that the Federation didn’t just go in and fix everything. But then again, if they did everything right, we wouldn’t have gotten the Maquis.

Snacks? Like leola root stew? What, wrong series.