Fundemently I think the Star Trek universe as a reality is too good to be true.
But, if you make the assumption that all things work out to get to that point the point of advanced civilization as depicted in Star Trek then I think that, yes, you WOULD reach a point were there is either no need for money or else is a very trivial tool.
Think about present day and a Teflon no-stick frying pan.
If you had to gather the materials, design and build a frying pan it would be INCREDIBLY expensive and difficult to do yourself.
But because we live in a sophisticated society, with trade and laws and coinage and advanced manufacturer and mass production and sophisticated retail infrastructure you can do something incredible:
You can go to the store and buy a frying pan for only about $12!!
Even better you could order it online and get it without leaving your home.
Fast forward that sort of progress say 200 or 300 years? Then, yeah, money is so trivial that it almost doesn’t exist.
Sorry for the ramble, but it’s something that I’ve been thinking about re: the Star Trek money situation.