Star Trek 3x18 The Lights of Zetar

You know, I say that and I’m having trouble getting funds to see Shatner next Saturday. Alright everyone talk me into it. I’ve never met the man and I’ve just gotta go, right?

it’s a frakkin MORAL IMPERATIVE!!!

Do I now have to talk to the hand? :rolleyes:

“implicitly” – wrong word?

I’m serious about the communicator. I have one. I can mail it to ya.

Um, yeah. You need to do this. How much longer will he be around?

Saw it at my local Halloween Express. Already have the boots. :smiley:

Why she gotta be crazy, Kirk? It’s just her brainwaves.

Yes, you do have to go.

I might even hazard to call it 'talos’s PRIME DIRECTIVE

Yeah. I still feel guilty I missed seeing him last time he was in the city that doesn’t sleep. I don’t think I’ll recover if I don’t go.

No. I didn’t do the head shake.

awwwww! Mira’s dad was a chief engineer too :slight_smile:

Why you make talosbunny cry?

She was supposed to be an engineer assitant to Scotty. Why do they change these things?

You MUST go.

No. I didn’t do the head shake.

Why am I suddenly thinking that I really need a Talosbunny bobblehead? :stuck_out_tongue:

Aw…frak…Frenchie tearing up now. Bill, stay with us a little longer. You are Our Hero.

What makes it alright for Scotty to be all hands-on?

That would be a trip to Human Resources where I work.

How can you not? Don’t you have some extra blood or a kidney to sell?

I appreciate it, Talos, but this I’m gonna get my money’s worth outta this costume. I see me wearing for a few years. Gonna need my own communicator. Plus, I’ve got a Trek trainee of my own. :slight_smile:

we could commission a limited run and sell them on e-bay :smiley:

If only I had a promotion department.

Kim where did you get ur avatar? love it

“Let’s not hear anything more about dyin’.”

I’m sure he’s still got some years in him, but why miss an opportunity when it comes along?

Bad writing? :smiley: