Star Trek 3x03 The Paradise Syndrome

Spock mackin on Kirok’s pregnant wife!

the music bit is interesting… I guess Starbuck saw this episode of Trek :wink:

“I… am Spock!” snort

Chapel is thinking “If I lean just at the right angle, Spock will see down my cleavage, and then maybe he’ll dump that Uhura bitch.”

He is… an extremely dynamic individual!"

Hey! I know you just woke up but we got a few minutes before the planet is destroyed. C’mon figure it out. You’re the Captain!

You gotta be kidding me! Kirk to Enterprise?

totally funky :wink:

No, Jim, she’ll be dead.

uh oh gel filter on the lady-friend…

Spock is Mr. Exposition in this ep!!

Music to my pointed-ears.

She’s aiming a bit high, I think.

Spock: “Captain, were you inside this structure.”

Kirk: “Inside? Of course, I mean she’s my wife so of course we…”

Spock: “(sigh) I meant the obelisk, sir.”

Look! It’s a magic blue beam!

There are always Trek script changes, originally Miramanee lived and Kirok’s child survived.

Kirk: You crazy Vulcan!! I can’t fit that inside me!

Well. That was depressing.

Snack time!

Ah! The magic of the 60’s bra. Uber-pointy boobs even while flat on her back dying! LOL!

Snort!! Oh great, you made me spit take orange soda everywhere!!

And he’d have left them behind? :eek:

As the credits roll. It’s always a love story.