Star Trek 2x23 Patterns of Force

Of course!

budgetary considerations :smiley:

Well, hi there!

Very low budget costume? Wait, I mean, the Enterprise has no more files that allow for the creation of different hats. ?

Naw, you and Lady D are our fearless leaders haha

hey Rachel s’up?


No wonder Shatner supported Esperanto. He was already making up his own language. :stuck_out_tongue:

why is it that every planet they leave stuff on (be it books or people) gets screwed up in really ridiculous ways.

Oh spock’s helmet hair is awesome

Wow! Hey, Lisa!

oh no, are we in trouble! :smiley:

and Shat’s got his shirt off. biiiiiiiiiig surprise :stuck_out_tongue:

I love the detail that spock’s whip marks are green hehehe

and what’s with the lame lash marks?

His helmet hair AND the green lash marks! :smiley:

Kirk’s jeans are borderline Mom jeans aren’t they?

You are not from Zeon.

Obviously. If Spock could roll his eyes any more, he’s see out the back of his head hehe

confess!! or he’ll put them in the comfy chair :smiley:

I know…my first Frak party in a long time!

Storming really bad here. I pulled power plug to be safe.

I have seen this episode so much I feel like I have just seen it.

ossim!!! welcome aboard!

much thanks Lady D…I am a couple of minutes behind everyone…just got to the lashin part

those lash marks on Shat look like somebody drew on him with lipstick