Star Trek 2x17 The Gamesters of Triskelion

so, who’s going to go make themselves mylar bra & minishorts outfit like Shana’s? :smiley:

You mean you we’re terrified?:smiley:

another reason to love spock: but the experiment would be interesting!

Not to mention his crusty bald head!

“collars of obedience” would have proven handy in both my marriages and my child-raising…

Spock’s lover (Uhura) is missing and in danger. But Spock doesn’t seem to care.:wink:

timelines, my dear thotfullguy :stuck_out_tongue:

that shadow play was creepy as frak

Oh my yes. And a mylar bra and panty set. :smiley:

Kirk “Uhura, it seems like a man is in your cell attacking you. Are you allright?”
Stupid question.


Yeah baby, yeah!

He’s called a drill thrall, and you don’t know what’s happening to her? C’mon Kirk!

Chekov gets the worst-dressed one.

I hates it when my neck band tightens. Just hates it.

OMIGodz - I just saw that same redhead down in the Castro!!! seriously, i did

LOL!!! especially when you consider Kirk’s propensities…

With the scary voice! :eek:

Dirty girl. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I think this thread show plenty of photos that Spock and Uhura are doing it in this timeline.:smiley:

OMGs!!! Chekov’s drill thrall’s voice. She’s definitely got an extra y chromosome in there somewhere :smiley: