Notice that the lightning completely vaporized the redshirt but just singed Spock. That copper-based blood is great stuff!
freedom, our way. (blech).
and gender normativity.
uh a ‘normal course of evolution.’ problematic.
McCoy “Jim, I know you’re upset about the Enterprise and all, but that’s no reason to overact …”
The lights went out in Vaal’s eyes.
You know, even as a kid, I always wondered:
If the two phaser beams spread apart as they leave the Enterprise, how are they so close together when they reach their target?
Ha! I love the Kik/Spock/McCoy scenes at the end!
A really long wavelength?
What could be wrong with letting them experience a bad crop yield and experiencing starvation? Or, if they’re really lucky, cannibalism?
LOL. Good one.
ha. ha ha ha.
Fairy magic.
Ok, y’all! Gotta run! See you tomorrow for Whedonsday!
Holy smackeral!! That’s an edumacated first post. Good on!!
Nite Rach!!
Take Care, Rachel. Adios.
I hate fairy princess time.
Yeah, I understood every bit of that, right up to about the sixth or seventh word of it.
Have fun stormin’ the castle!