Star Trek 2x03 Friday's Child

I watched Karl Urban’s interview on Attack of the Show. He said this was his favorite “I’m a doctor, not a ____” line. I thot he was nuts. Now I concur.

That’s right Bones, strangle the pregnant woman during labor. What a guy.

Dude is Mack Coy going to strangle her?

See this camaraderie between these characters (Kirk, Spock, McCoy)? Abrams nailed that.

lol ambi-textrous tg

Is Mack Coy gonna have to choke a bitca?

“tensile cohesion” oh spock. gotta love him

Spock outside, wants nothing to do with babies, labor, or anything in that cave.

Archery, Kirk?

And Uhura likes?



It’s my favorite as well. Second is ‘I’m a doctor, not a bricklayer’ from ‘Devil in the Dark’.

AW! Spock! Take the baby!

that should prove very interesting


Ummm…I got nothing.

“In my mind I’m goin to the Carolina…”


Jack Daniels :stuck_out_tongue:

A Gorn should so show up now and kick Kirk’s sBarb.

Annnnnd Chekov: I know this saying, it was invented in Russia!

Am I crazy or is that Gorn Rock?