Star Trek 1x26 The Devil in the Dark

That’s so sad. The scene of Kirk with all the shattered eggs.

How fortunate that it just took and hid the mechanism that they need, you know, instead of burning through like it did with everything else. :rolleyes:

Rarely are the redshirts taken out by other humans :wink:

In one of the novels, a Horta serves on the Enterprise. They are highly intelligent.

I know. It’s actually pretty heartbreaking, especially for the time.

They really give an impression that he’s looking at a pile of dead babies. :frowning:

While I’m pleased to see someone defending the Horta, at the same time the rhetoric about them is really squicky. The most inoffensive of races? That has all sorts of problems.

Bones can cure a rainy day. :smiley:

The ears are the most attractive human feature… with impeccable taste… lol this bit is excellent with the 3 of them.

Yes, classic!

See what I mean, creature-of-the-week with a Star Trek twist. It teaches to communicate with those different from yourself. As hokey as it is, I miss that lesson.