LOL. “…and have Captain Christopher bathed and brought to my quarters.”
Viva la Revolution, Cas!!
I think Sulu felt the angle first. Kirk looks scary with that look
They’re going to have to do something about the vinyl seat cushions.
This is the way episodes should be, wrapped in a nice warm blankie.
Scotty sells it, doesn’t he?
So why do the chronometers move backward but everything else moves forward in time?
That was a much better episode than the first one we watched.
To be fair with my Star Fleet Technical Manual info.
Star Fleet Duty Uniform/Male: Junk space= 11.0 cm.
yeah, cause when Spock said braking should begin “now” what he meant was for you to have a conversation about it first
And how do the chronometers just know? It’s not like they have satellites telling them like my cell phone does.
Everyone to the left…Everyone to the right…now Forward!!
You’re doing the Starship Enterprise dance.
Until next Trek, everyone. Unless the USPS fails me, I should be getting V tomorrow and VI is ready to go…
Ouch! That’s tight. I’ll need a tailor to let some out.
so we should start lobbying netflix now to get the other 2 seasons on instant watch, no?
A studio exec or a writer once asked Roddenberry why he didn’t put seatbelts on the bridge chairs. His answer ??
Yeah Baby, here’s the money shot from this episode.
lovely episode!
Good night, Cas.
Yes, I’m dreading the day S1 is completed…love my Netflix!