Star Trek 1x18 The Squire of Gothos

Headed out as well - enjoy Arena!!

he doesn’t even need Memory Alpha anymore!

LOL that makes some sense. my mental image of a god of war though is huitzilopochtli:

chau pescao!


oh craaaaap! when are we starting Arena?

Does this mean he knows a lot about Vulcan’s or that he is a Vulcan that knows a lot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bye Rach!!

ROFLMsbO!!! How did I never notice that? OMGs!

haha sabataaaaage :stuck_out_tongue:

I started Arena…

I got the Star Trek board game for Christmas one year. I let everyone cheat and I still one. No one plays with me anymore.

psst There is knowledge and then there is love.

Since the Trek arc, Vulcan has replaced frak as a cus word. Thanx to Bones Vulcan McCoy!

I could kick your SorryBarb (maybe…)

Which is exacTly what the book Q-Squared (which you can find on Audible :wink: ) says he is.

Trek novels aren’t canon, but Q-Squared is part of my personal canon for Trek.

I remember that book. Loved the way they explained Trelane. It also fits soo well with Q.