Star Trek 1x17 Shore Leave

Talos SSA
Congrats OG Staaaaaahhh.

Shat knows how do sprint doesn’t he? Pretty damn fast.

“Yeoman Barrows! She’s screaming and I’m not involved! Run!” - Kirk

Topgun or Sulu? :stuck_out_tongue:

Kirk: Yeoman, listen to me. Only me, the captain gets to rip his shirts. Understood?

There’s only one I take an interest in.

Cue romantic Old-Flame Music!!!

I thank you.

The Gorn thanks you.

And, of course, the talosbunny thanks you.

TG! There’s Ruth. We need a fashion report STAT!

If this was the 50’s, he woulda slapped her.

Talos, is this the first ep so far shot on location?

Whut’s the H in OMHFG?

Ruth played the triangles in the school band and never got over it

Who cares about Sulu at a time like this?

He just met another old flame in the last episode “Court Marital”.

If she actually does it, I might go with her. I’m pretty sure her husband would nay-say any sidetrips.

My brain is screaming. I don’t think it will ever stop. :eek:

holy :rolleyes:

Uh…I don’t know. I stole it from Lady D.:o

With all these old flames, Jim should be on fire. No wonder he and Bones are so close. Can you say Antibiotics?:rolleyes:

Digging the off duty female garb. Thinking they could have gone backless too. Believe there should be some type of mace container available to fend off the male crewmembers who’ve been staring at their Jeffrie’s Tubes for too long.