Star Trek 1x11 Dagger of the Mind

Helen’s finally useful!

Nope. WHich one?

That would have traumatized me.

I thot Sisyphus was the one whose liver was eaten by some sort of predatory bird each day

Hmmm…I have to google South Park and Planetarium

Dr Adams, you reap what you sow. You reap what you sow.

You know, I never did. But considering the budget this show had, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the thing actually was a kitchen light fixture, and not just a passing similarity.

Ahhh. The happy funtime thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

The South Park was titled: “Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods”
Season 2.
South Park episodes are now all available to watch free, online.

That was Prometheus. Stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans. He was immortal, so the liver grew back every night.

“Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods” :smiley:

Don"t jump to lightspeed in planetary orbit!!
Kirk, are you crazy!!!

oh yeah–prometheus. duh!

To answer Thot’s question from before Tantalus had a beige planet with no rings in the original. Here is what Tantalus looked like

And for those interested. They thot about re-mastering Dr. Noel’s rack but the mind thingy changed their minds.

Nice …ah…nice matte painting.

So, this is two episodes in a row with no Sulu?

Kirk: Red Shirt, I want you to walk over there alone. The rest of us will stay here. Strength in numbers.

I’m seeing a pattern in how “good” guys end up being villains by the end of the episode.

I’m not sure what that Spock mind thing with the doctor was. Or what the villain’s motivations were for using that machine.

Dr. Helen Noel was a much less painfully done female character. We’re not to BSG level, of course, but centuries ahead of Mudd’s Women. Despite the nanoskirt. And she knew her stuff, and in the end saved the day. The romance narrative with Kirk was annoying, though. But that might also be due to the fact that I don’t find Kirk that attractive.

It’s also interesting the conversation between Bones and Kirk at the end, can you really die of loneliness, it’s better to at least hear your tormentor’s voice, etc.etc. It reminded me of the TNG episode where the Cardassian is torturing Picard with the number of lights, but not as subtly done.

Because of the time in which it was made, finding anything really positive about gender roles in TOS is really a matter of degrees. She’s definitely one of the better examples. Uhura and Nurse Chapel are as well, but only as the show progresses. I’m sure the TV execs reined that in as much as they could.

But remember the message of Mudd’s Women. It was essentially a placebo. Their beauty came from within.

I will grant that Helen is a much more complex, modern, character. (Although it weirded me out a bit that she had my grandmother’s name.)