Star Trek 1x01 The Man Trap

Charlie X, that little brat? But of course!

Man Trap not my fav episode, I gotta admit.
Charlie X on the other hand: WAY high on my list.

I always liked how it sort of had those sad eyes. They could easily have dropped it off on a planet with an active salt mine, but no…

She’s a strong woman. She can take it.

That woulda been Picard’s solution. So glad Gene got a chance for his dream to be fulfilled with that series.

Interesting episode. Much more Kirk-centric than Menagerie.

I want to say 15th century. ?

That speaks Swahili. Double yikes.

Yes, yes, it was ahead of its time (Uhura is there). But it’s not perfect.

Things I liked:

  • seeing some of the iconic characters interacting more naturally than in the other episode I’ve seen.
  • the idea of a creature being the last of its kind, trying to survive
  • shape-shifting! woohoo!

Things I didn’t like as much

  • the aforementioned Uhura/salt sucker scene
  • the characterization of women sucks. I know, the sixties, but that doesn’t make it annoy me any less

Things that can go both ways

  • the uniforms. I am confused by the colors (I know they’re different in TNG etc but that’s what I know!), and they aren’t as shiny this time. I miss the bling :wink: