ST:The Next Generation - Skin of Evil 1X23 2/23 @ 10PM ET

Unfortunately, she was a victim of the condition I call SLS*, one of the most serious cases. So sad. :frowning:

  • Shelley Long Syndrome :stuck_out_tongue:

The snack for tonight is… dates.

Fortunately, these were pre-tested on Nazi monkeys, so they’re safe. :slight_smile:

Aw Picard’s speeches :slight_smile:

dumb question: why does the required energy level quoted by Worf have 2 decimals?

In the absence of Talos, an excerpt from Memory Alpha:

When Riker was sucked into Armus, Jonathan Frakes was in fact submerged in a pool of Metamucil and printer’s ink. During a break in filming while Frakes was lying on the beach, covered in the sludge, LeVar Burton approached him and said “Frakes, I never would have done that!”

This is actually quite touching and sweet… especially for Data :slight_smile:

LOL! Wesley’s innocence is ageless… oh dear

And every other redshirt that buys it on this ship gets their own long-winded funeral hologram, right? :rolleyes:

of course!! they just invite the other redshirts :slight_smile:

The little bit with Data and Picard at the end always gets me. Vaguely reminds me of Anya in The Body. :frowning:

Tasha’s goodbye thots? Not so much.

At least the redshirt in the shuttle with Deanna had a name this time around… :stuck_out_tongue:

Another Memory Alpha tidbit:

The stardate for this episode (41601.3) is set before the stardates of seven other first-season episodes, four of which, (“The Battle”, “The Big Goodbye”, “Angel One”, and “The Arsenal of Freedom”), Tasha Yar is still quite alive in.

In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name. His name is Robert Paulson. :rolleyes: