OK, Wolf 359 is like 30+ light years away, and the Borg got from there to Saturn in under an hour. Why would it take them 27 more minutes to reach Earth from there?
Alright, this is a difficult one for me. What Would JTK Do if he was Borgified?
In the novel, ‘The Return’ by William Shatner the Borg revive the dead James T Kirk on Veridian III.
So? What did he do?
Never read that one…that series actually…
There is all this talk about having to slow down as you get closer to a star, because of its strong gravity pull. But of course we’ve seen difference in that idea.
I love this part when Data takes on Locutus.
It’s pretty fabulous, agreed
Of course, that analogy doesn’t really apply, as we’ve seen plenty of examples of Borg drones — even entire cubes — being sacrificed.
“I am attempting to penetrate the Borg…”
The Borg really allow Trek to glorify individualism, now that I think about it (OK who am I kidding, I’ve thought about this before), even though the Federation is also based on a society of shared/collective responsibility… the Borg just take those connections to an extreme…
(or I’ve been up too long lol)
I was just blown away. Since I hadn’t really been invested, I found it very fascinating and different.
Not first. I had seen other TNG episodes. This one put it’s hooks in me.
I’ve never heard any reviews. So I don’t know.
I enjoyed it. It’s Shat!
It was strange. He was a zombie, in essence. The Borg resurrected his body but all his charisma was gone. Everything that was James T Kirk was still dead. Granted that was my impression so long ago. I’d have to read it again.
Hey! That’s Maquis talk! :eek:
ah, masculinist language.
when Worf before said “the shuttle has penetrated the shield,” he just as well could have said “the shield has enveloped the shuttle.” oh, culture.
“If I may make a supposition” Has Data been playing Clue?
shades of gray, man, shades of gray
Picard looks so defeated there.
And then he adds praise to Riker. What a frakkin amazing man!!
so with all the technology they’ve assimilated, the Borg have decided the best design for a ship is… a cube? I don’t get the geometry
That’s a great line - how do you feel? “Almost human”
The Borg were meant to be the ultimate National Socialists.
Elizabeth Shelby goes on to be such a great character.
Said it before, but highly recommend the Star Trek: New Frontier novel series.
Me and David the Operator have been suffering waiting until JANUARY 2011!! for the next book! Torture.
Aren’t you afraid of a Jack-in-the-box?
Still, unless something seriously changes in the last few episodes of Enterprise, the Federation’s similarities to the Borg in that respect (forcing compliance of worlds wanting to join [not making a value judgment here, just commenting]) are never really explored to my satisfaction.
Nice shot there, with Picard looking out the window and the Earth being reflected back. I don’t care that the windows are impractical!