[LEFT]Best of luck with those interviews Barb. I’m sure you’ll kick butt. It was awesome spending the day with you! Safe flight home and sleep on the way!
Universal is like Disney for Sci-Fi geeks. The Terminator 2 show had me wishing Thotfullguy was there (you would have loved it, Skynet, etc etc and we were laughing about it the whole time ), Jurassic Park was cool, very splashy (as in you get soaked), and the 75 ft drop at the end was, yes, a bit scary. And the Mummy ride was insanely fast, fast, (did I mention really really fast?) and I admit I had my eyes closed half the time, but dayum that ride is frakkin fast! Makes Space Mountain at Disney look like a cab ride.
For pure visual whacko tho, the Simpsons ride was unbelievable. All CGI and motion-simulator, this ride’s mind-blowing.
Saw Bruce the Shark from Jaws, the Bates Motel, the Mule from Serenity as well as The Delorean from BTTF, and the King Kong 3D Adventure, which is pure ossim and worth the admission on it’s own.
Better yet, spent the day with Gryper and Lady D, and topped it off with a dinner in Huntington Beach with us all and BKitty and The Hub, as well as PuddyTat.
Hell of a Saturday.