Smallville 9x02 Metallo

“Hunting down a real-life Terminator.” :smiley:

Sorry to hear that. :frowning:

No TV, changes channels but nothing to see.

Repaire phone number is busy not a good sign. I will see if I can get them on their site. UG

Good luck. Is there a storm in the area?

And Lois has yet another head injury.

No wonder she was never bright enough to figure out that Clark was Superman. :rolleyes:

Not that I hear. I get the guide but no TV. I am going to call someone and see if they are having the same problem. You may have to tell me the entire story. :frowning:

That makes no sense. The EMP would surely affect the electronics, but it wouldn’t have any effect on the kryptonite radiation…

Damn, he’s really been working out. Can’t wait for the spandex! :smiley:

I called a friend across town and she has no TV. The world is coming to the end. Well at least in Florida.

Hey! Tess’ assistant here is Pike from BSG. Hopefully, he’ll end up better than Pike did.

Of course, being the underling of the villain isn’t really a job with high survivability. :smiley:

I wish Emil Hamilton will end up a lot better than Gaeta did…

yeah, that line was very clever… tho made me miss TSCC