Smallville 10x16 Scion

Is the audio bad for anyone else? I thought it was just Supernatural with the screwed up sound tonight.

How does he know how to drive? He’s like three years old.

its good for me

Internet’s a bit dodgy tonight, too, so I guess it’s just a local issue. :frowning:

bummer I hope it gets sorted out for you :slight_smile:

He’s only have Kryptonian. How is he kicking Clark’s ass?

And that Connor/Clark fight was virtually identical to Kal/SuperJonathan at the start of Season 3. Awesome.

Um, wouldn’t that just pepper Clark with thousands of Kryptonite shards and kill him? :eek:

Because Clark doesn’t want to hurt him and isn’t really trying.

New fight choreography is expensive. :smiley:

Clark doesn’t want to hurt him and Connor isn’t trained enough to really hurt Clark.

Or turn it into black kryptonite, or blind Connor. Their handling of heat vision/green kryptonite interaction isn’t exactly consistent.

I really like the Connor kent actor. I wish they did it sooner. :slight_smile:

Superboy! SQUEEEE!!! :smiley:

“I’m sure when we have kids of our own…”

Um, Lois, dear? You’re not the same species. It would be like having children with an orangutan. :eek:

Darkseid! :eek:

Let’s see, Lionel probably becoming Darkseid’s vessel (though I half expected a Rosenbaum offscreen line instead at the end there), Legion ring, and Jonathan kicking the crap out of Clark. Gonna be a long month+.

That Darkseid special effect is fraking brilliant. I have never been so impressed with Smallville effects before.

Nice catch! Didn’t notice.

That’s what I thought, but…

…heat vision could also turned it white and ineffective? Still, you’re right.

Yeah, that last scene was like “Whoa.” Be careful what you wish for…

I totally forgot Connor Kent=Superboy. I feel like my geek cred is diminished. The red on black was a total comic call back.

I can’t think of any times heat vision neutralized kryptonite (unless it happened in the last two discs (7 episodes) of Season 9.

I can only think of three times green kryptonite was neutralized.
[li]Clark’s ship neutralizing Lana’s necklace in Season 2
[/li][li]Bizarro absorbing it to charge up
[/li][li]Uber-Lana absorbing it in Season 8