Smallville 10x03 Supergirl

True, but we probably won’t see him in the suit until the finale anyways. I’m talking conceptually beyond the series.

Oliver’s speech is reminding me of Clark’s in the Fortress in Superman 2.
“I’ve failed.”

Sulu: Oh my…

Oh sheesh…

Still feels weird to see commercials while I’m watching Smallville.

When I first saw Lois as a blonde. I thought the series was introducing another DC hero…

I was trying to figure out if it was Lois or Kara in the disguise.

Kara (the character) doesn’t have that kind of confidence…or experience…

lol @ commercial. “Holy shish kabob!”

He does like his fetishes.

Nice Wonder Woman pose.

That was…too easy…

So who is “the darkness” going to possess now?

Maybe Oliver.

Assuming it escapes.

Lol. Dark side.

Lol at the names.

Very Iron Man-ish.

Oh crap. Brainiac!

And that flash of super speed we saw in the preview didn’t look like it was at ground level.

Am I good or what?