
/blinder mode on/

Emma Rules! Kenneth is a dumb-(sorry Barb)!

/blinder mode off/

Yes, I’ve seen Helena and she’s hot. Yes, it could be that Emma is a raging bitch in private. But she doesn’t have a reputation for it and she’s just such a decent-seeming person, and lovely, beautiful, and talented. What more could a man want? Brannaugh = huge sorrybarb.

Seriously? I don’t want this to become a general discussion, but looks are important too.

I agree with you 100%. I could never be with someone I didn’t find to be at least marginally attractive. But if you don’t think she’s beautiful then you’re crazy.

Oh, she DID look beautiful, but hey, how old are those pictures?

“Been there, done that.”

Flees room.

Those are only fairly recent… like last 8 years or so I guess. But she looked fantastic in Love, Actually, and that’s pretty recent.

Plus, this pic says everything else that needs to be said:

What? Is that his new flame? If so, he traded way downwards!

Yeah! That’s him and the new model wife at an event just recently.

THAT is his definition of a model? When I hear model, my mind goes Tricia Helfer. We can only hope she’s a great cook…

OMG - what happened to him? He looks like craaaaaaaaaap!

I just don’t see it. She always looks like you’d need to wash after being near her.

Maybe that’s why Tyler Durden wore the kitchen gloves in Fight Club. :slight_smile:

Yes, it could be that Emma is a raging bitch

bitca :stuck_out_tongue:

in private. But she doesn’t have a reputation for it and she’s just such a decent-seeming person, and lovely, beautiful, and talented. What more could a man want? Brannaugh = huge sorrybarb.

As Eddie Murphy said, if you’re starving, any old cracker seems like a Ritz. But if you have Ritz every day, after a while it’s just the same old cracker.

Or, to put it more bluntly:slight_smile:

I think she’s still beautiful, it’s just that she’s played a lot of roles lately that are older and/or frumpier than the actress really is (Prof. Trelawny, Nanny McPhee, forgot the name of the character in Brideshead Revisited, etc). Here’s a photo taken only about two years ago, with her husband Greg Wise. Upon comparing this…

…with this…

I think Emma ended up with the better end of the deal, eh?

Agreed! Totally!

Yoda, the Prince of Denmark

To be, or to be not: The question, that is:
To suffer whether 'tis nobler in the mind.
Of outrageous fortune the slings and arrows,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them, hmm? To die: To sleep;
No more; and to say we end by a sleep.
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks.
Heir to, that flesh is, 'tis a consummation.
To be wish’d devoutly. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: To dream perchance: Ay, the rub, there is;
For of death what dreams may come in that sleep.
When shuffled off this mortal coil, we have,
Must give us pause: The respect, there is.
Of so long life that makes calamity;
For bear the whips and scorns of time, who would,
The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
Of despised love the pangs, the law’s delay,
Of office and the spurns the insolence.
Of the unworthy takes that patient merit,
When his quietus make he himself might.
With bare bodkin, hmm? Fardels bear, who would,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But of something after death that the dread,
The undiscover’d country from whose bourn.
No traveller returns, puzzles the will.
And makes us rather bear those ills we have.
Than fly to others that we know of not, hmm?
Make cowards of us all, thus conscience does;
And of resolution thus the native hue.
With the pale cast of thought is sicklied o’er,
And of great pith and moment enterprises.
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And of action lose the name. - you now soft!
The fair ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons.
My sins remember’d be all. Yes, hmmm.

This Yoda speech generator is addictive…

…i just wish Uhnold’s treatment of Macbeth lasted more than 20 seconds… sigh…

Leave it to the GWC to have this gem buried in its archives…in my not-so-long-ago regional theatre days, a few geeks and I contacted the group to get the rights to perform this in Westport, and had a complete blast with it…being the squirrelly high-strung nutbag I seem to be accused of, I had Adam’s role in the production. Whoof!

The center-stage I painted for funsies.

As Juliet, in one of my 53 costume and prop changes (I choreographed them for WEEKS). The wig smelled.

The Histories, as seen through the eyes of Monday Night Football. (Don’t worry, I’ve cut the mop off since then.)

The rest is silence. (And by the time this bit was over, I was GLAD to be laying down for even a minute.)

We’re so cool, we even have people who’ve performed it.

Is it just me or does he look like Chuck’s long lost twin. :wink:

This performance was brought to you by Converse, the official sponsor of the Westport Theater Company. :smiley:

Haha kinda does!